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Partnering to Distribute Smaller, More Flexible, (yet) Engaging CE

I am thrilled to share a big announcement from ArcheMedX, one that will provide the CE community with increasingly simple ways to leverage our flagship product, the ArcheViewer learning platform. Beginning this week, providers of continuing education for healthcare professionals can now leverage the ArcheViewer when developing smaller, more flexible,

Why Adult Learning Theory Is Insufficient to Drive Learning?

I wanted to quickly share my opening talk from the first-ever #CMEPalooza - and give credit to Derek Warnick for conceiving and bringing to life such a wonderful professional development opportunity for the CME profession! There are 3 parts to this lesson, so if you care to skip around, feel free: Research identifying

EdTechReview’s ‘149 Amazing Google Tricks to Increase Effectiveness of your Search’

Here is a great resource that we might consider building CE around as a means of supporting the lifelong, natural learning actions of clinicians (and I bet you will want to share this with your colleagues too): EXCERPT: Google is the most popular search engine and most of the people use it

Online Education Has A Very Bright Future

Multiple industry reports released over the past few weeks predict the continued rise of e-learning and the adoption of new technology and learning models, from higher education to corporate training. The 2014 Horizon Report from the New Media Consortium and the Educause Learning Initiative shows that a rapidly increasing number of universities are incorporating online learning environments into courses of all kinds; making
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