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Category : Resources

RESOURCE: 6 Expert Tips for Flipping the Classroom — Campus Technology

Three leaders in flipped classroom instruction share their best practices for creating a classroom experience guaranteed to inspire lifelong learning. "If you were to step into one of my classrooms, you'd think I was teaching a kindergarten class, not a physics class," laughs Harvard University (MA) professor Eric Mazur. "Not because the students

MANUSCRIPT: Tumor Boards (Team Huddles) Aren’t Enough to Reach the Goal

Incremental changes in the tumor board infrastructure may increase the value of these team meetings and extend their potential benefits to low-volume physicians. The application of technology to create the “virtual” or telemedicine tumor board should be explored. Synchronous audio and video presentations that link physicians in remote areas with disease-specific expert clinicians, as well as

RESOURCE: 77% of Academic Leaders Rate MOOC Outcomes Same or Superior to Face-to-Face Learning – Compass Higher Education Consulting

Changing Course: Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States,” a 2012 collaborative survey report based on responses from over 2,800 academic leaders and published by the Babson Survey Research Group, College Board and the Sloan Consortium, shows a clear migration and accepting uptake of MOOC’S (Massive Open

ABSTRACT: Gender differences in mediated communication: Women connect more than do men

Abstract Past research in gender differences in the overall Internet use has been contradictory. Some asserted men used it more than women, while others asserted there were no gender difference. Both camps concluded that men and women differed in their motivation and utilization of time spent online. The purpose of the

RESOURCE: 20 Tips for Creating a Professional Learning Network

Networking is a prime form of 21st century learning.  The world is much smaller thanks to technology.  Learning is transforming into a globally collaborative enterprise.  Take for example scientists; professional networks allow the scientific community to share discoveries much faster. Just this month, a tech news article showcased how Harvard scientists

RESOURCE: Teachers or Facilitators? 10 Reasons Why Educators Should Step Out of the Way and Encourage Independent Learning

What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone uses the word, “facilitator”? Perhaps you think of words like planner, coordinator, promoter, developer, or designer. All of these definitions lead us to think of a facilitator as someone who sets up, designs, and oversees an environment that is