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Category : Social Media & Medical Education

ABSTRACT: Lessons Learned from the ASN Renal Edu… [Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract Nephrology ranks next to last in career choices among US medical school graduates. The American Society of Nephrology established a Workforce Committee to help address this issue. Surveys of US medical students indicate that experiences during kidney pathophysiology courses in the preclerkship years may impact their decision to consider a

ABSTRACT: Collaborative online learning: a new approach to di… [Acad Med. 2002] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract OBJECTIVE: Continuing medical education (CME) has not taken advantage of the ability to communicate and collaborate online. Collaborative learning is an important learning principle, yet online CME programs are generally completed in a one-on-one relationship between the computer and the learner. This limits opportunities for reflective learning, and does not access

ABSTRACT: The nature of the interaction between partic… [Teach Learn Med. 2005] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract BACKGROUND: offers an online asynchronous continuing medical education (CME) environment for family physicians. The nature of participation in online CME using computer-mediated conferencing (CMC) discussion systems and the characteristics of interaction between participants and facilitators is not well understood. via The nature of the interaction between partic... [Teach Learn Med. 2005]

ABSTRACT: Promoting clinical competence using socia… [Nurse Educ. 2010 May-Jun] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract A critical task for nursing students is learning to synthesize knowledge and disseminate it to their patients in an understandable format, often in the form of posters or pamphlets for a lay audience. With the Internet becoming the place of choice for information for the lay audience and the use

ABSTRACT: Assessing a nephrology-focused YouTube channel’s p… [J Nephrol. 2012] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract Introduction: YouTube has emerged as a potential teaching tool. Studies of the teaching potential of YouTube videos have not addressed health care provider (HCP) satisfaction; a necessary prerequisite for any teaching tool. We conducted a 4-month investigation to determine HCP satisfaction with a nephrology-specific YouTube channel. via Assessing a nephrology-focused YouTube

ABSTRACT: An appraisal of the current and potential va… [Eur J Dent Educ. 2012] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To systematically assess the informational value, quality, intention, source and bias of web 2.0 footage whose aim is peer-to-peer education about oral implantology. METHODS: YouTube ( was scanned on 15 October 2010 for oral implantology-related videos using an adequately pre-defined search query. Search results were filtered with the system-generated category 'education' and

ABSTRACT: The importance of social and collaborative learnin… [Med Teach. 2012] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract BACKGROUND: There is an increasing use of online continuing medical education (OCME), but the potential use of social and collaborative learning to change professional performance and improve patient care has yet to be fully realised. METHODS: The integration of the main themes from the presentations and comments from participants at a symposium at

ABSTRACT: A social learning perspective on the development… [Soc Sci Med. 2012] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract How best to develop doctors is a problem for many healthcare systems. The current trend towards competence-based models, especially in UK postgraduate medical education, appears to neglect lessons emerging from social learning theories in the workplace. However, social learning itself, especially communities of practice (CoP), also has shortcomings because it

ABSTRACT: The application of wiki technology in medical educ… [Med Teach. 2012] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract Background, aims and methods: Recent years have seen the introduction of web-based technologies such as the 'wiki', which is a webpage whose content can be edited in real time using a web browser. This article reviews the current state of knowledge about the use of wikis in education, and considers

ABSTRACT: Using social media to improve continuing medi… [Mayo Clin Proc. 2012] – PubMed – NCBI

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine continuing medical education (CME) course participants' use of social media (SM) and their attitudes about the value of SM for enhancing CME education and to examine associations between participants' characteristics and attitudes toward SM. via Using social media to improve continuing medi... [Mayo Clin Proc. 2012] - PubMed -