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Category : Learning Models & Theory

RESOURCE: Elsevier reveals new layout for Article of the Future

The Article of the Future project is Elsevier’s “never-ending quest to explore better ways to create and deliver the formal published record”. In the latest phase of this ‘quest’, the project team have worked with more than 150 researchers, authors, publishers and editors to come up with multiple prototypes for a new

MANUSCRIPT: Learning styles and pedagogy in learning: A systematic and critical review

“The sheer number of dichotomies betokens a serious failure of accumulated theoretical coherence and an absence of well-grounded findings, tested through replication. Or to put the point differently: there is some overlap among the concepts used, but no direct or easy comparability between approaches; there is no agreed ‘core’ technical

ABSTRACT: Teaching for understanding in medical classrooms using multimedia design principles – Issa – 2013 – Medical Education – Wiley Online Library

Objectives  In line with a recent report entitled Effective Use of Educational Technology in Medical Education from the Association of American Medical Colleges Institute for Improving Medical Education (AAMC-IME), this study examined whether revising a medical lecture based on evidence-based principles of multimedia design would lead to improved long-term transfer

ABSTRACT: Applying the cognitive theory of multimedia learning: an analysis of medical animations – Yue – 2013 – Medical Education – Wiley Online Library

Context  Instructional animations play a prominent role in medical education, but the degree to which these teaching tools follow empirically established learning principles, such as those outlined in the cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML), is unknown. These principles provide guidelines for designing animations in a way that promotes optimal

ABSTRACT: Globalization and the modernization of medical education.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Worldwide, there are essential differences underpinning what educators and students perceive to be effective medical education. Yet, the world looks on for a recipe or easy formula for the globalization of medical education. AIMS: This article examines the assumptions, main beliefs, and impact of globalization on medical education as a carrier of

MANUSCRIPT: Clinician uptake of obesity-related drug information: A qualitative assessment using continuing medical education activities.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Medications necessary for disease management can simultaneously contribute to weight gain, especially in children. Patients with preexisting obesity are more susceptible to medication-related weight gain.How equipped are primary care practitioners at identifying and potentially reducing medication-related weight gain? To inform this question germane to public health we sought to identify

ABSTRACT: Local social knowledge management: A case study of social learning and knowledge sharing across organizational boundaries

Abstract Knowledge management is normally approached in the context of a single organization’s activities. Recently the focus has been extended to activities which span beyond organizational boundaries, especially to the key role of social learning across organizations. The concept of ‘local social knowledge management’ has been used to stress the process

ABSTRACT: Improving the Utilization of Research Knowledge in Agri-food Public Health: A Mixed-Method Review of Knowledge Translation and Transfer.

Abstract Abstract Knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) aims to increase research utilization and ensure that the best available knowledge is used to inform policy and practice. Many frameworks, methods, and terms are used to describe KTT, and the field has largely developed in the health sector over the past decade. There

MANUSCRIPT: Physicians perceptions of an educational support system integrated into an electronic health record.

Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions by physicians of an educational system integrated into an electronic health record (EHR). Traditional approaches to continuous medical education (CME) have not shown improvement in patient health care outcomes. Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA) has implemented a system that