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Category : Learning Models & Theory

ABSTRACT: The use of reflection in emergency medicine education.

Abstract Reflection is a cognitive process in which new information and experiences are integrated into existing knowledge structures and mental models, resulting in meaningful learning. Reflection often occurs after an experience is over, promoting professional development and lifelong learning. However, a reflective emergency physician (EP) is also able to apply reflection

ABSTRACT: InsuOnline, a Serious Game to Teach Insulin Therapy to Primary Care Physicians: Design of the Game and a Randomized Controlled Trial for Educational Validation.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Physicians´ lack of knowledge contributes to underuse of insulin and poor glycemic control in adults with diabetes mellitus (DM). Traditional continuing medical education have limited efficacy, and new approaches are required. OBJECTIVE: We report the design of a trial to assess the educational efficacy of InsuOnline, a game for education of primary

ABSTRACT: eLearning among Canadian anesthesia residents: a survey of podcast use and content needs.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Podcasts are increasingly being used in medical education. In this study, we conducted a survey of Canadian anesthesia residents to better delineate the content needs, format preferences, and usage patterns among anesthesia residents METHODS: 10/16 Canadian anesthesia program directors, representing 443/659 Canadian anesthesia residents, allowed their residents to be included

ReachMD Interview: “Understanding Personal Learning Strategies in Medical Education”

A few weeks back I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Lawrence Sherman as part of the ReachMD lifelong learning series produced in conjunction with the Alliance for CEhp.  The interview is airing all this week on ReachMD (channel 167 on SiriusXM) and the podcast is available for download

ABSTRACT: The role of ePortfolios in supporting continuing professional development in practice.

Abstract ePortfolios, based on models of reflective practice, are viewed as important tools in facilitating and supporting lifelong learning across the medical education continuum. MAINPORT, the ePortfolio designed by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, supports the continuing professional development (CPD) and lifelong learning of specialist physicians practicing