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Category : Learning Models & Theory

ABSTRACT: Unanticipated learning outcomes associated with commitment to change in continuing medical education

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Educator-derived, predetermined instructional objectives are integral to the traditional instructional model and form the linkage between instructional design and postinstruction evaluation. The traditional model does not consider unanticipated learning outcomes. We explored the contribution of learner-identified desired outcomes compared with learner outcomes that were not named in the instructional design. METHOD: This

ABSTRACT: Information about barriers to planned change: a randomized controlled trial involving continuing medical education lectures and commitment to change.

Abstract PURPOSE: To determine whether practicing physicians receiving only clinical information at a traditional continuing medical education (CME) lecture (control group) and physicians receiving clinical information plus information about barriers to behavioral change (study group) would alter their clinical behaviors at the same rate. METHOD: In a randomized controlled trial, the investigators matched 13

ABSTRACT: Commitment to change statements: a way of understanding how participants use information and skills taught in an educational session.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Commitment to change has gained increasing use in assessing short course effectiveness. This study examined the changes that learners intended to make in practice following an intensive day-long course offered at multiple sites, counted changes relative to the curriculum's focus, and analyzed which changes were implemented in practice. METHODS: Participants at a


In this investigation, the effect of the flipped classroom and associated differentiation was studied to measure the impact on student achievement and student stress levels. For the second semester of their senior year, students watched video lectures outside of class and completed assignments during class time. Students reported lower stress

RESOURCE: San Jose State U. Says Replacing Live Lectures With Videos Increased Test Scores – Wired Campus – The Chronicle of Higher Education

The 85 students in the flipped course at San Jose State watched the edX lecture videos at home and attended class twice a week to practice what they had learned and ask questions. Two other sections of students took a traditional version of the course. The midterm-examination scores of students in

RESOURCE: Gathering Evidence that Flipping the Classroom can Enhance Learning Outcomes | Emerging Education Technology

Three universities provide empirical evidence supporting the potential for ‘the flip’ to make a measurable difference in engagement and learning. As an advocate of the potential of the flipped classroom, it’s rewarding and encouraging when student and teacher feedback supports the benefits of this approach, and this happens quite often. However,

MANUSCRIPT: Advancing Teaching and Learning In Medical Education Through The Use of Concept Maps

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ways in which the use of concept maps influenced the learning processes of third year internal medicine students in the context of medical education. Sixty-three students were taught to use concept mapping as a learning strategy at the beginning of their internal

MANUSCRIPT: The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How To Construct Them

Concept maps are tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts or propositions, indicated by a connecting line between two concepts. Words on the line specify the relationship between the two concepts. We define concept as a perceived

RESOURCE: Group work advice for MOOC providers

The most valuable aspect of MOOCs is that the large number of learners enables the formation of sub-networks based on interested, geography, language, or some other attribute that draws individuals together. With 20 students in a class, limited options exist for forming sub-networks. When you have 5,000 students, new configurations