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Tag : Learning Theory

MANUSCRIPT: Evaluating the effectiveness of a peer-led education intervention to improve the patient safety attitudes of junior pharmacy students: a cross-sectional study using a latent growth curve modelling approach.

OBJECTIVE: Despite the recognition that educating healthcare students in patient safety is essential, changing already full curricula can be challenging. Furthermore, institutions may lack the capacity and capability to deliver patient safety education, particularly from the start of professional practice studies. Using senior students as peer educators to deliver practice-based education

ABSTRACT: Learning theory and its application to the use of social media in medical education

BACKGROUND: There is rapidly increasing pressure to employ social media in medical education, but a review of the literature demonstrates that its value and role are uncertain. OBJECTIVE: To determine if medical educators have a conceptual framework that informs their use of social media and whether this framework can be mapped to learning

ABSTRACT: The effects of test-enhanced learning on long-term retention in AAN annual meeting courses

OBJECTIVE: We measured the long-term retention of knowledge gained through selected American Academy of Neurology annual meeting courses and compared the effects of repeated quizzing (known as test-enhanced learning) and repeated studying on that retention. METHODS: Participants were recruited from 4 annual meeting courses. All participants took a pretest. This randomized, controlled trial

RESOURCE: Chunking Information for Instructional Design

Chunking Defined Chunking refers to the strategy of breaking down information into bite-sized pieces so the brain can more easily digest new information. The reason the brain needs this assistance is because working memory, which is where we manipulate information, holds a limited amount of information at one time. Why We Chunk

MANUSCRIPT: Medical students as peer tutors: a systematic review

BACKGROUND: While Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) has long occurred informally in medical education, in the past ten years, there has been increasing international interest in formally organised PAL, with many benefits for both the students and institutions. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to establish why and how PAL

ABSTRACT: Residents’ Views of the Role of Classroom-Based Learning in Graduate Medical Education Through the Lens of Academic Half Days.

PURPOSE: To examine the role of classroom-based learning in graduate medical education through the lens of academic half days (AHDs) by exploring residents' perceptions of AHDs' purpose and relevance and the effectiveness of teaching and learning in AHDs. METHOD: The authors invited a total of 186 residents in three programs (internal medicine, orthopedic