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ABSTRACT: Does the order of presentation and number of online resources affect the frequency of access by learners?

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Provision of web-based resources is a valuable addition to face-to-face teaching in a blended learning environment. AIM: To understand how both order of presentation and number of online resources impacts on the frequency of access by learners in postgraduate vocational training in general practice. METHODS: Information was collected on how many times individual online

ABSTRACT: Adoption of computer-assisted learning in medical education: the educators’ perspective

Abstract CONTEXT: Computer-assisted learning (CAL) in medical education has been shown to be effective in the achievement of learning outcomes, but requires the input of significant resources and development time. This study examines the key elements and processes that led to the widespread adoption of a CAL program in undergraduate medical education,

MANUSCRIPT: Evidence-based medicine at the intersection of research interests between academic health sciences librarians and medical educators: a review of the literature

Objectives: In 2008, the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries established an Education Research Task Force (ERTF) to plan research addressing research priorities outlined in key Association of American Medical Colleges reports. ERTF members conducted a literature review to describe the state of collaborative research at the intersection of medical education

ABSTRACT: YouTube as a Platform for Publishing Clinical Skills Training Videos.

Abstract The means to share educational materials have grown considerably over the years, especially with the multitude of Internet channels available to educators. This article describes an innovative use of YouTube as a publishing platform for clinical educational materials.The authors posted online a series of short videos for teaching clinical procedures

ABSTRACT: Narrative, emotion and action: analysing ‘most memorable’ professionalism dilemmas

Abstract OBJECTIVES  Although previous studies have explored medical learners''most memorable' experiences, these have typically focused on patient deaths or mistakes. Drawing on multiple theoretical perspectives to understand the interplay between narrative, emotion and action, this paper aims to explore the whats and hows of written narratives of most memorable professionalism dilemmas: