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Category : Medical Education

ABSTRACT: A regional teaching fellow community of practice

BACKGROUND: Increasing numbers of clinical teaching fellows are responsible for a significant proportion of undergraduate teaching nationally. Developing a regional community of practice can help overcome the isolation of these posts, with potential benefits for all involved. CONTEXT: A community of practice relies on the mutual engagement of people in a similar situation

ABSTRACT: Committing to patient-centred medical education

BACKGROUND: Regular encounters of patients and medical students in a managed and structured consultation format, to focus on partnership in health care and chronic illness management, can address the student learning and professional development requirements facing contemporary medical education. CONTEXT: To engage and maintain such a strategy demands commitment and a belief in

MANUSCRIPT: Evaluation of the flipped classroom approach in a veterinary professional skills course

BACKGROUND: The flipped classroom is an educational approach that has had much recent coverage in the literature. Relatively few studies, however, use objective assessment of student performance to measure the impact of the flipped classroom on learning. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of a flipped classroom

ABSTRACT: Slow Medical Education

Slow medical education borrows from other "slow" movements by offering a complementary orientation to medical education that emphasizes the value of slow and thoughtful reflection and interaction in medical education and clinical care. Such slow experiences, when systematically structured throughout the curriculum, offer ways for learners to engage in thoughtful

ABSTRACT: Systematic reviews in medical education: A practical approach: AMEE Guide 94.

The twentieth century saw a paradigm shift in medical education, with acceptance that 'knowledge' and 'truth' are contextual, in flux and always evolving. The twenty-first century has seen a greater explosion in computer technology leading to a massive increase in information and an ease of availability, both offering great potential

MANUSCRIPT: Real-time use of the iPad by third-year medical students for clinical decision support and learning: a mixed methods study.

PURPOSE: Despite widespread use of mobile technology in medical education, medical students' use of mobile technology for clinical decision support and learning is not well understood. Three key questions were explored in this extensive mixed methods study: 1) how medical students used mobile technology in the care of patients, 2) the

ABSTRACT: “Teaching is like nightshifts …”: a focus group study on the teaching motivations of clinicians.

BACKGROUND: To ensure the highest quality of education, medical schools have to be aware of factors that influence the motivation of teachers to perform their educational tasks. Although several studies have investigated motivations for teaching among community-based practitioners, there is little data available for hospital-based physicians. PURPOSES: This study aimed to identify factors

ABSTRACT: Expertise in medicine: using the expert performance approach to improve simulation training.

CONTEXT: We critically review how medical education can benefit from systematic use of the expert performance approach as a framework for measuring and enhancing clinical practice. We discuss how the expert performance approach can be used to better understand the mechanisms underpinning superior performance among health care providers and how the

ABSTRACT: Why are medical students ‘checking out’ of active learning in a new curriculum?

OBJECTIVES: The University of Virginia School of Medicine recently transformed its pre-clerkship medical education programme to emphasise student engagement and active learning in the classroom. As in other medical schools, many students are opting out of attending class and others are inattentive while in class. We sought to understand why, especially