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RESOURCE: Integrating EHR with medical education for improved care

Physicians and other healthcare providers are mandated to complete anywhere from 12 to 50 hours of continuing medical education (CME) yearly. The problem is that few clinicians know whether those hours of education have a meaningful impact on real-world patient outcomes. In other words, does learning a new diagnostic strategy or treatment option, for example, lead to patients living healthier lives with fewer medical complications?
We can do a better job of understanding the correlation between CME and better patient outcomes today. Utilization of electronic health record (EHR) systems to integrate clinical data analytics and CME will facilitate more prescriptive education designed to specifically meet gaps in knowledge and care while improving patient outcomes. Moreover, we can better design extended curriculums that best serve a clinician’s interest and define clinical care gaps by particular patient populations.

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Brian is a research scientist and educational technologist. He helped transform Pfizer’s Medical Education Group and previously served in educational leadership roles at HealthAnswers, Inc.; Acumentis, LLC.; Cephalon; and Wyeth. He taught graduate medical education programs at Arcadia University for 10 years. Dr. McGowan recently authored the book "#socialQI: Simple Solutions for Improving Your Healthcare" and has been invited to speak internationally on the subject of information flow, technology, and learning in healthcare.

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