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Category : Social Media & Medical Education

ABSTRACT: ‘Uncrunching’ time: medical schools’ use of social media for faculty development.

Purpose: The difficulty of attracting attendance for in-person events is a problem common to all faculty development efforts. Social media holds the potential to disseminate information asynchronously while building a community through quick, easy-to-use formats. The authors sought to document creative uses of social media for faculty development in academic

MANUSCRIPT: Quantifying short-term dynamics of Parkinson’s disease using self-reported symptom data from an Internet social network.

BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease (PD) is an incurable neurological disease with approximately 0.3% prevalence. The hallmark symptom is gradual movement deterioration. Current scientific consensus about disease progression holds that symptoms will worsen smoothly over time unless treated. Accurate information about symptom dynamics is of critical importance to patients, caregivers, and the scientific

MANUSCRIPT: Correlates of health-related social media use among adults

BACKGROUND: Sixty percent of Internet users report using the Internet to look for health information. Social media sites are emerging as a potential source for online health information. However, little is known about how people use social media for such purposes. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was two-fold: (1) to establish the

ABSTRACT: The Rapidly Increasing Usefulness of Social Media in Urogynecology

OBJECTIVE: We assessed the availability and quality of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse information in social medias and the growth of such information in the past 13 months. METHODS: We focused on the most popular social medias (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) to evaluate the key words "urogynecology," "pelvic organ prolapse," "stress incontinence,"

ABSTRACT: Health Care Social Media: Engagement and Health Care in the Digital Era

Health care as an industry continues in reluctant participation with consumers through social networks. Factors behind health cares laggard position range from providers concerns about patient privacy and lack of personal psychic bandwidth to organizational anxiety about employee time management and liability for online behavior. Despite these concerns, our patients

MANUSCRIPT: An exploratory study of the potential learning benefits for medical students in collaborative drawing: creativity, reflection and ‘critical looking’.

BACKGROUND: Building on a series of higher educational arts/medicine initiatives, an interdisciplinary drawing module themed on the human body was developed for both year 3 Craft students and year 3 Medicine degree students. This became the subject of a research project exploring how the collaborative approach to drawing adopted on this

RESOURCE: Updated Padagogy Wheel Tackles The Problem Of Motivation In Education

The new version tackles a major question that is lurking in the back of everyone’s mind. If it’s not … it should be. It’s about the problem of motivation in education. How do we motivate students, teachers, parents, and everyone else to get excited about learning? How do you stay

ABSTRACT: Physicians who use social media and other internet-based communication technologies

The demographic and practice-related characteristics of physicians who use social networking websites, portable devices to access the internet, email to communicate with patients, podcasts, widgets, RSS feeds, and blogging were investigated. Logistic regression was used to analyze a survey of US primary care physicians, pediatricians, obstetrician/gynecologists, and dermatologists (N=1750). Reported

ABSTRACT: How we use social media to supplement a novel curriculum in medical education

BACKGROUND: The millennial learner is reliant on technology to gain knowledge. Social media in the form of Twitter and Facebook provide a unique way to reach these learners. AIMS: To demonstrate a supplement to a curriculum using "push technology" via Twitter and Facebook to deliver educational content to mobile devices. METHODS: A curriculum consisting of

ABSTRACT: Ethical considerations in using Facebook for health care support: a case study using concussion management

Social networking sites (SNS) are now part of everyday life, and SNSs such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are among the most accessed Web sites on the Internet. Although SNSs are primarily used for staying in touch with friends and family, they are increasingly being used for health-related purposes for