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ABSTRACT: Impact of a Performance Improvement CME activity on the care and treatment of patients with psoriasis

BACKGROUND: The Performance Improvement (PI) CME format improves physician performance in other specialties but data are lacking in dermatology. OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess the impact of a PI CME activity on physician practice patterns for patients with psoriasis, which was developed, implemented, and evaluated by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), in

ABSTRACT: Introducing medical educators to qualitative study design: Twelve tips from inception to completion

Many research questions posed by medical educators could be answered more effectively by the application of carefully selected qualitative research design than traditional quantitative research methods. Indeed, in many cases using mixed methods research would expand the scope of a study and yield meaningful qualitative data in addition to quantitative

ABSTRACT: E-learning: controlling costs and increasing value

E-learning now accounts for a substantial proportion of medical education provision. This progress has required significant investment and this investment has in turn come under increasing scrutiny so that the costs of e-learning may be controlled and its returns maximised. There are multiple methods by which the costs of e-learning

ABSTRACT: Enhancement of Customary Dermoscopy Education With Spaced Education e-Learning: A Prospective Controlled Trial.

IMPORTANCE: Dermoscopy permits the detection of early-stage melanomas but is difficult to learn. It is important to develop effective teaching methods. Spaced education is a methodology within the field of adaptive learning that uses online tools to reinforce long-term retention. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether a spaced education dermoscopy module improved dermoscopy skills in

MANUSCRIPT: Audio podcasts in practical courses in biochemistry – cost-efficient e-learning in a well-proven format from radio broadcasting.

INTRODUCTION: Audio podcasts are an e-learning format that may help to motivate students to deal with the contents of medical education more intensely. We adopted a well-proven format from radio broadcasting, the radio documentary, to direct the listeners' attention to information about practical courses in biochemistry over a period of 20

ABSTRACT: The long-term impact of a performance improvement continuing medical education intervention on osteoporosis screening

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study is to determine whether a performance improvement continuing medical education (PI CME) initiative that utilizes quality improvement (QI) principles is effective in producing sustainable change in practice to improve the screening of patients at risk for osteoporosis. METHODOLOGY: A health care center participated in a PI CME

ABSTRACT: What do primary care practitioners want to know? A content analysis of questions asked at the point of care

INTRODUCTION: Assessing physician needs to develop continuing medical education (CME) activities is an integral part of CME curriculum development. The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the feasibility of identifying areas of perceived greatest needs for continuing medical education (CME) by using questions collected electronically at the point of

ABSTRACT: udiovisual preconditioning enhances the efficacy of an anatomical dissection course: A randomised study

The benefits of incorporating audiovisual materials into learning are well recognised. The outcome of integrating such a modality in to anatomical education has not been reported previously. The aim of this randomised study was to determine whether audiovisual preconditioning is a useful adjunct to learning at an upper limb dissection

ABSTRACT: Managing Diabetes Mellitus: A Survey of Attitudes and Practices Among Family Physicians

Due to the increasing prevalence of diabetes and the shortage of endocrinologists, family physicians have an important role in diabetes management. The purpose of this study was to examine the sources of knowledge, attitudes and practices of family physicians regarding the management of type 2 diabetes. Attendees at continuous medical

MANUSCRIPT: Teaching differential diagnosis in primary care using an inverted classroom approach: student satisfaction and gain in skills and knowledge.

BACKGROUND: Differential diagnosis is a crucial skill for primary care physicians. General practice plays an increasing important role in undergraduate medical education. Via general practice, students may be presented with an overview of the whole spectrum of differential diagnosis in regard to common symptoms encountered in primary care. This project evaluated