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Tag : #OLLsummit

RESOURCE: The newest revolution in higher ed

In 1837, the Massachusetts Board of Education devoted part of its first annual report to praising a recent classroom innovation called the blackboard. This “invaluable and indispensible” innovation enabled the “rapid and vivid communication of knowledge.” It created opportunities for teachers to engage learners in ways that had been unimaginable

RESOURCE: Online Learning and the Future of Residential Education | March 3-4, 2013 | Video

The Summit Program Committee recommends the following reading in advance of the event. "The Particle Accelerator of Learning” (Inside Higher Ed, Peter Stokes, February 22, 2013) "Four Professors Discuss Teaching Free Online Courses for Thousands of Students" (The Chronicle of Higher Education, Jeffrey Young, June 11, 2012) "What We're Learning from Online Education"