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Tag : natural learning actions

ABSTRACT: Study skills in anatomy and physiology: Is there a difference?

Many factors influence the way individual students study, including but not limited to: previous coursework, attitudes toward the class (motivation, intimidation, risk, etc.), metacognition, and work schedules. However, little of this research has involved medical students. The present article asks the question, "Do individual medical students study differently for different

ABSTRACT: Actual drawing of histological images improves knowledge retention

Medical students have to process a large amount of information during the first years of their study, which has to be retained over long periods of nonuse. Therefore, it would be beneficial when knowledge is gained in a way that promotes long-term retention. Paper-and-pencil drawings for the uptake of form-function

ABSTRACT: What do primary care practitioners want to know? A content analysis of questions asked at the point of care

INTRODUCTION: Assessing physician needs to develop continuing medical education (CME) activities is an integral part of CME curriculum development. The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the feasibility of identifying areas of perceived greatest needs for continuing medical education (CME) by using questions collected electronically at the point of

ABSTRACT: Introducing technology into medical education: two pilot studies.

OBJECTIVES: Educators are integrating new technology into medical curriculum. The impact of newer technology on educational outcomes remains unclear. We aimed to determine if two pilot interventions, (1) introducing iPads into problem-based learning (PBL) sessions and (2) online tutoring would improve the educational experience of our learners. METHODS: We voluntarily assigned 26 second-year

Manuscript: How are medical students trained to locate biomedical information to practice evidence-based medicine?

OBJECTIVES: This study describes how information retrieval skills are taught in evidence-based medicine (EBM) at the undergraduate medical education (UGME) level. METHODS: The authors systematically searched MEDLINE, Scopus, Educational Resource Information Center, Web of Science, and Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews for English-language articles published between 2007 and 2012 describing information retrieval training to support

ABSTRACT: External cues to action and influenza vaccination among post-graduate trainee physicians in Toronto, Canada

BACKGROUND: Understanding factors affecting trainee physician choices about vaccination may permit the design of more effective vaccination programmes. METHODS: To identify factors associated with seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccination, an online questionnaire based on the health belief model was sent to trainee physicians registered at the post-graduate medical education office at the University

Why Adult Learning Theory Is Insufficient to Drive Learning?

I wanted to quickly share my opening talk from the first-ever #CMEPalooza - and give credit to Derek Warnick for conceiving and bringing to life such a wonderful professional development opportunity for the CME profession! There are 3 parts to this lesson, so if you care to skip around, feel free: Research identifying