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An Honest Look at How Demanding Oncology Trials Have Become: Interview with Rebecca Setta of Oncosec

by ArcheMedX Team Apr 20 , 2021 3 min read

Rebecca Setta joins Kelly Ritch, EVP of Product and Clinical Research Solutions at ArcheMedX, to discuss effective management of sites and teams through arduous clinical trials.

Rebecca shares how she’s kept her team motivated and productive in spite of the added burdens imposed by the pandemic, and why she’s excited about the future of the industry.

Enjoy this interview by video below, or by subscribing to our podcast on Simplecast, Spotify, or iTunes.

Rebecca Setta

Rebecca Setta is an Associate Director at OncoSec whose 13 years of experience in clinical trials have given her the benefit of several different perspectives. Rebecca began her career on the vendor side, and her continuous pursuit of development and higher-level understanding led her to transition to the CRO space in 2015. Her role at OncoSec represents the natural evolution of a career shaped around an inherent desire for growth through further immersion in clinical trials.

In Rebecca’s years of experience at the project level, she consistently found building effective teams to be among the most rewarding elements of her work. She now brings that expertise to bear at the department level, where she can act as a mentor, shaping a team to build on her knowledge and experience.

Episode Highlights

  • How Rebecca helps her team avoid burnout in a grueling field
  • The common characteristics she saw across the sites that adapted best at the start of the pandemic
  • A crucial change in mindset that she’s encouraged in her CRAs
  • The COVID-inflicted adaptations she expects to persist post-pandemic
  • Why it’s important to partner with sites
  • The unexpected upside to the pandemic adjustments her sites have made
  • What really impresses her about the industry
  • How remote work and limited face time can impact morale, and one way she compensates for that
  • How the weighty context of oncology research can also translate to motivation
  • Why she is so excited about the future of the industry


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Conversations in Clinical Trial Readiness Interview Series

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