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Are Virtual SIVs the Future?: Interview with Jennifer Brandl

by ArcheMedX Team Oct 28 , 2021 3 min read

Jennifer Brandl joins Kelly Ritch, EVP of Product and Clinical Research Solutions at ArcheMedX, to discuss the feasibility and pros and cons of virtual site initiation visits. A clinical operations expert with a passion for data science, Jennifer shares her experience transitioning from pre-clinical to clinical research and her confidence that data can change the world.

Enjoy this interview by video below, or by subscribing to our podcast on Simplecast, Spotify, or iTunes.

Jennifer Brandl

Jennifer Brandl is the Associate Director of Clinical Operations at Kezar Life Sciences. She has 15 years of experience as a researcher and clinical operations specialist, and she is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Data Science from the University of Wisconsin.

Jennifer credits her prior experience at a smaller biotech company with giving her a critical foundation in clinical conduct and study execution. At Kezar, she leverages this expertise and her passion for research to support the company’s development of pioneering therapies and to change the lives of patients.

Episode Highlights

  • The elements of Jennifer’s expertise that have especially helped her drive success in the trials she manages
  • The benefits of functional service provider outsourcing models
  • How Kezar’s patient-centric nature had the company well prepared to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The greatest challenges Jennifer and Kezar experienced due to the pandemic, and some positive outcomes
  • Important considerations for organizations exploring home health options
  • How communication and relationship-building form the foundation of clinical trial work
  • The challenges and benefits she’s experienced conducting site initiation visits virtually
  • How best to prepare before updating or transforming site initiation processes
  • What she believes is next for decentralized clinical trials
  • How automation and tech adoption can help extract more insight from data


Kezar Life Sciences
Jennifer Brandl on LinkedIn
Conversations in Clinical Trial Readiness Interview Series

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