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Category : Manuscript

MANUSCRIPT: Visual analytics in medical education: impacting analytical reasoning and decision making for quality improvement

The medical curriculum is the main tool representing the entire undergraduate medical education. Due to its complexity and multilayered structure it is of limited use to teachers in medical education for quality improvement purposes. In this study we evaluated three visualizations of curriculum data from a pilot course, using teachers

MANUSCRIPT: A mixed-method research to investigate the adoption of mobile devices and Web2.0 technologies among medical students and educators

ACKGROUND: The past decade has witnessed the increasing adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in medical education. Recently, the notion of digital habitats, Web 2.0 supported learning environments, has also come onto the scene. While there has been initial research on the use of digital habitats for educational purposes, very limited research

MANUSCRIPT: Online courses to create a foundation for sex and gender accountability in biomedical research and treatment

BACKGROUND: Sex and gender differences play a significant role in the course and outcome of conditions that affect specific organ systems in the human body. Research on differences in the effects of medical intervention has helped scientists develop a number of sex- and gender-specific guidelines on the treatment and management of

MANUSCRIPT: Standardized Patient’s Views About their Role in the Teaching-Learning Process of Undergraduate Basic Science Medical Students

INTRODUCTION: Standardized Patients (SPs) are widely used in medical education. SPs have a number of advantages but also have certain limitations. At the institution, SPs have been used since January 2013 for both teaching-learning and assessment during the basic science years of the undergraduate medical program. AIM: The present study was conducted to

MANUSCRIPT: Effect of warning symbols in combination with education on the frequency of erroneously crushing medication in nursing homes: an uncontrolled before and after study

OBJECTIVES: Residents of nursing homes often have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), which complicates the administration of solid oral dosage formulations. Erroneously crushing medication is common, but few interventions have been tested to improve medication safety. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of warning symbols in combination with education on the frequency of erroneously

Mobile learning devices in the workplace: ‘as much a part of the junior doctors’ kit as a stethoscope’? | BMC Medical Education | Full Text

Background Smartphones are ubiquitous and commonly used as a learning and information resource. They have potential to revolutionize medical education and medical practice. The iDoc project provides a medical textbook smartphone app to newly-qualified doctors working in Wales. The project was designed to assist doctors in their transition from medical school

MANUSCRIPT: Comparing nurses’ knowledge retention following electronic continuous education and educational booklet: a controlled trial study

BACKGROUND: Training methods that enhance nurses' learning and retention will increase the quality of patient care. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of electronic learning and educational booklet on the nurses' retention of diabetes updates. METHODS: In this controlled trial study, convenience sampling was used to select 123 nurses from the endocrinology

MANUSCRIPT: Blended learning: how can we optimise undergraduate student engagement?

BACKGROUND: Blended learning is a combination of online and face-to-face learning and is increasingly of interest for use in undergraduate medical education. It has been used to teach clinical post-graduate students pharmacology but needs evaluation for its use in teaching pharmacology to undergraduate medical students, which represent a different group of

MANUSCRIPT: What Are We Looking for in Computer-Based Learning Interventions in Medical Education? A Systematic Review

BACKGROUND: Computer-based learning (CBL) has been widely used in medical education, and reports regarding its usage and effectiveness have ranged broadly. Most work has been done on the effectiveness of CBL approaches versus traditional methods, and little has been done on the comparative effects of CBL versus CBL methodologies. These findings

MANUSCRIPT: Impact of continuing medical education in cancer diagnosis on GP knowledge, attitude and readiness to investigate

BACKGROUND: Continuing medical education (CME) in earlier cancer diagnosis was launched in Denmark in 2012 as part of the Danish National Cancer Plan. The CME programme was introduced to improve the recognition among general practitioners (GPs) of symptoms suggestive of cancer and improve the selection of patients requiring urgent investigation. This