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ABSTRACT: Infusing Informatics into Interprofessional Education: The iTEAM (Interprofessional Technology Enhanced Advanced practice Model) Project.

The iTEAM goal is to prepare advanced practice nurses, physicians and pharmacists with the interprofessional (IP) core competencies (informatics, patient centric, quality-focused, evidence based care) to provide technology enhanced collaborative care by: offering technology enhanced learning opportunities through a required informatics course, advanced practice courses (team based experiences with both standardized and virtual patients) and team based clinical experiences including e-health experiences. The innovative features of iTEAM project will be achieved through use of social media strategies, a web accessible Electronic Health Records (EHRs) system, a Virtual Clinic/Hospital in Second Life, various e-health applications including traditional telehealth tools and consumer oriented tools such as patient portals, social media consumer groups and mobile health (m-health) applications for health and wellness functions. It builds upon the schools’ rich history of IP education and includes clinical partners, such as the VA and other clinical sites focused on care for underserved patient populations.

via Infusing Informatics into Interpr… [Stud Health Technol Inform. 2014] – PubMed – NCBI.

ABSTRACT: Salinas G. Trends in physician preferences for and use of sources of medical information in response to questions arising at the point of care: 2009-2013.

Recent information on the preferences and trends of medical information sources for US practicing physicians in the past several years is lacking. The purpose of this study was to identify current format preferences and attitudes of physicians as well as trends over time to provide timely information for use in educational planning.
A survey instrument was developed and distributed in 2013 to US practicing physicians in several specialties. Data were aggregated and analyzed to understand trends across these physicians. Differences between and among demographic subsets of physicians, such as practice type and location, were observed by the use of inferential statistics. Additionally, using a similar survey fielded in 2009, these findings were analyzed to observe potential changes in the past 4 years.
Peer-reviewed journal articles and continuing medical education (CME) are reported to be the most useful sources of medical information by physicians. Non-CME promotional meetings, pharmaceutical sales representatives, and managed care organizations are least useful or influential. Physicians are receiving more clinical questions from patient encounters in 2013 compared to 2009, and spend more time searching for information online. The use of many formats to receive medical information is increasing, including both technology-derived and traditional formats.
Increases in clinical questions and time spent online indicate a heightened need for efficiencies in searching for medical information. New uses of technology in medical information delivery may allow educators an avenue to meet the rising needs of physicians.

via Trends in physician preferences fo… [J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2014] – PubMed – NCBI.

Google Tricks and Tips: Image Search Tricks Every Teacher Must Know!

Betcha didn’t know you can search for great images without ever leaving your Google Doc!

Finding great images for your Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms and Drawings is even easier than you might think. This is a hidden gem! You can actually search while still inside the document. Even better, you can search for images from

  • Google images,
  • LIFE magazine database,
  • AND stock photos.

But wait, there’s more!

The results are filtered to show results that are labeled for reuse with modification! Meaning, you and your students actually have permission to use these images!

via Google Tricks and Tips: Image Search Tricks Every Teacher Must Know! – Shake Up Learning.

The Teacher’s Guide To Pinterest

Pinterest has quickly become one of the biggest ways for teachers to share resources and information short of Twitter. It lets you build ‘boards’ and easily ‘pin’ parts of the web (text, images, videos, websites, etc.) onto those boards. Simple enough, right? Here’s our Teacher’s Guide To Pinterest that gives you a few more ideas about how to properly use Pinterest in an education setting. Enjoy!

A Quick Guide To Pinterest
Do you love to pin? Are you addicted to Pinterest? It’s okay if you are. You’re not alone. In fact, there are plenty of professors out there pinning right along with you. They’re using it to share quotes, lectures, notes, research material, get student or peer critiques, and more.

What follows below is one of the most useful infographics I’ve seen on Pinterest’s role in education. And I’ve seen a lot. One of my favorite parts is toward the bottom where it lists out how exactly different universities are using Pinterest in the classroom (in the appropriately named ‘In The Classroom’ section).

How do you use Pinterest in education? Do you? Will you start using it thanks to this great visual?

via The Teacher’s Guide To Pinterest – Edudemic.

The Teacher’s Guide To Digital Scavenger Hunts

If you’ve got a smartphone or a tablet in your classroom, you’re ready for the adventure to begin! By adventure I mean, of course, the world of active learning through digital scavenger hunts. In this hunt, students are tasked with finding a particular physical object, person, or place and have to use technology to track it down. Note: an ‘online scavenger hunt’ usually implies that you’re hunting around online and not physically with classmates. For the purpose of this article, I’m focusing on the physical version I’ve dubbed ‘digital scavenger hunts’.

via The Teacher’s Quick Guide To Digital Scavenger Hunts – Edudemic.

The Teacher’s Guide To The Library Of Congress

We’ve discussed the benefits of the U.S. Library of Congress many times on Edudemic. Usually we focus on some particular parts of the vast amount of resources or instead offer a more overall picture of what it offers. This time around, we thought you might enjoy an actual guide (written for teachers and education in general) that’s easy and a solid resource to refer back to as needed.

There’s no denying what an incredible resource teachers have in the Library of Congress. As the largest library in the world, it’s home to millions of books, recordings, photographs, and other materials, many of them original sources. Even better, the library has been able to put much of their vast collection online for educators to access and share without ever even leaving the classroom. Spoken history, photographs, and iconic cultural resources are available as teaching resources, and many of them are neatly organized into lesson plans, collections, and themes, perfect for bringing them into the classroom.

But at the same time, all of these great resources can be overwhelming, and it may be difficult for some teachers to make sense of how to best use it all. That’s why we’ve created a short guide to making the most of the Library of Congress, with tips and ideas for activities, plus links to guides, resources, and tools that you can put to work in your classroom. Read on, and let’s get started taking advantage of all the great resources that the Library of Congress has to offer for your students.

via The Teacher’s Guide To The Library Of Congress – Edudemic.

The Teacher’s Guide To Badges In Education

What encourages students to do well in school? Often, it comes down to grades. Many students will work harder in order to earn a higher grade. Colleges want to see good grades. Parents want to see good grades. Grades are good, right? Of course they are, but the grades should not be the only goal. Learning for the sake of it should be a goal, including what they learned, how long they remembered it, and how they applied it to new situations.

Unfortunately, some students are not motivated by grades. Yes, this includes your brightest kids. Some kids could get an A on any test you give them, so they do not see the need for homework. Why do an hour of work every night when they know they are going to get an A on the test? Now you have a student who gets Fs on all his homework and As on all his tests. It turns into a C average, and he doesn’t care. How do you motivate him to do more or do better? The old-fashioned way – you give him a badge

via The Teacher’s Guide To Badges In Education – Edudemic.

The Teacher’s Guide To Google Glass

If you’re as excited as Katie and me about Google Glass, this guide is for you. We like to take on the latest technology and see how it fits into education. If it doesn’t, we typically don’t write about it or will mention it in passing. But the potential for Google Glass in education is just too great. That’s why we thought it would be useful to compile an early-stages ‘Teacher’s Guide to Google Glass’

Once the expensive pair of glasses actually makes it into the hands of a teacher, the typical lecture will become something totally different. In fact, much of the education process will be flipped as students will be able to view the world through the lens of a teacher (literally) and get a new perspective on learning.

What Is Google Glass?
Before we start, let’s talk about what Google Glass is (and what it isn’t). Google Glass is a small device tacked onto a pair of glasses. It’s a bit dorky looking and some people are already saying that anyone wearing Google Glass is a, well, it’s not a nice word. Anyway, I think they’re cool, so there. Google Glass lets you record what you’re seeing, view a heads-up display of information (more apps coming out every day it seems) and has a touch pad on the right side of the glasses. That touch screen is one of the ways you control your pair of Glass(es). The other way is by verbal commands like “OK Glass” and that sort of thing. Make sense? Good. Let’s chat about how that seemingly simple tool could be used in education. That is the Edudemic way after all.

via The Teacher’s Guide To Google Glass – Edudemic.

The Teacher’s Guide To Flipped Classrooms

We talk a lot about flipped classrooms on Edudemic. In fact, it’s by far one of our most sought-after topic in terms of questions on social media, search queries, and more. So we thought it would be useful to organize all of our many resources into one easy-to-use guide. That’s the teacher’s guide to flipped classrooms. It’s a curated list of all the most useful flipped classroom resources we’ve seen. We hope you find it interesting, useful, and want to lend your expertise to make it even better. Just leave a comment at the bottom of the page to share your flipped classroom resources with your fellow readers!

Step One: What Is A Flipped Classroom?
When you think of a classroom, what comes to mind? Students, teachers, lectures? There’s a new classroom style that’s growing in popularity where that lecture portion may be a bit less of the classroom experience. It’s called a Flipped Classroom. If you’re wondering what a Flipped Classroom entails, look no further than this fantastic infographic. A great start for our guide.

via The Teacher’s Guide To Flipped Classrooms – Edudemic.