Ready enables you to to better understand which sites and teams are most prepared to start and effectively conduct the study. Utilize Ready’s real-time insights to prioritize site activation by front loading those sites best equipped to perform well and accelerate enrollment.
Then drill down into more specific insights to prevent the most common sources of study delays and reduce time and costs spent resolving issues, especially early in the trial.
Watch your protocol training come alive and improve and evaluate understanding of your essential study documents, all on-demand.
Quickly convert your traditional content into more interactive learning experiences and virtualize your PI meetings, SIVs, and on-going site training with Ready.
Equip CRAs and trial team members with the study knowledge and skills they require in their specific roles and assess their confidence to effectively conduct your trial.
Ready reduces risk by predicting how individuals will apply knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios.
As you prepare sites to more effectively conduct your studies, discover the specific topic areas where they are most likely to excel or inclined to struggle. Identify how confident your teams and sites truly are in conducting the most critical aspects of your study – so you can make more informed oversight and operational decisions.
By uncovering specific areas of confusion in your study content and potential low performers you can identify risks sooner and take proactive steps to avoid errors and delays.
Keep sites and individuals engaged throughout the duration of the study and ensure they consume and can confidently apply new information, such as patient screening best practices or changes in standard of care.
Ready can automate a variety of engagement and retention programs, saving you time and prompting your team and sites to remain focussed throughout the study.
Invest the time required to retrain and coach in only the areas where teams and sites need help – and target the right type of support to specific roles based on their demonstrated readiness and mindset about your study.
Transform the traditional PI meeting into a far more effective and insightful on-demand experience.
Ready quickly converts and delivers your protocol as an interactive learning experience that engages participants online and increases protocol knowledge.
Then reveal exactly who is equipped to succeed in performing the study and where resources should be invested to better equip those that are at risk.
Ready helps you prevent study delays, by identifying strengths and weaknesses in your teams before the study begins.
Make more informed oversight and operational decisions that enable you to manage and invest resources more efficiently.
Then better equip and upskill your teams through automated engagement and knowledge retention programs to accelerate enrollment and prevent delays.
Re-imagine site initiation and training by tailoring interactions on-demand and ahead of an actual visit.
Convert study documents to interactive experiences that virtually equip site personnel with the knowledge and skills to effectively conduct your study.
Identify risks early, reduce time and costs spent resolving issues -- or avoid them altogether by upskilling or deploying different resources.
Learn how Ready enhances your ability to predict and improve study performance.